On The News Line11 months ago
‘Our rights outweigh yours’
Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir downplayed the deadly string of murders in Arab communities.
‘Our rights outweigh yours’
Palestine11 months ago
Tens of thousands demonstrate against Israel's far-right cabinet for 33rd week in row
Tens of thousands rally across the occupied territories for the 33rd straight week against the Israeli cabinet's policies.
Tens of thousands demonstrate against Israel's far-right cabinet for 33rd week in row
Palestine11 months ago
Protesters rally in their thousands against Israeli cabinet's policies for 32nd week
Thousands rally for the 32nd straight week against the Israeli cabinet's policies, including the so-called judicial overhaul scheme.
Protesters rally in their thousands against Israeli cabinet's policies for 32nd week
Palestineone year ago
Watchdog reports record surge in Israeli settlement plans in West Bank
The anti-settlement organization Peace Now says Netanyahu’s far-right cabinet has advanced the highest number of illegal settlers units across the occupied West Bank in the first six months of the current year.
Watchdog reports record surge in Israeli settlement plans in West Bank
Palestineone year ago
Israel approves construction of new West Bank settlement
The regime, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, has repeatedly expressed its commitment to nonstop settlement construction.
Israel approves construction of new West Bank settlement
Economyone year ago
Iran’s Raeisi reshuffles economic team
Iran’s Raeisi replaces senior figures in his economic team amid efforts to contain inflation.
Iran’s Raeisi reshuffles economic team
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces demolish two Palestinian-owned houses in occupied al-Quds
Israeli forces have demolished two Palestinian-owned homes in the occupied al-Quds.
Israeli forces demolish two Palestinian-owned houses in occupied al-Quds
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