Palestine6 months ago
US House Speaker accepted $95k from pro-Israel lobby
US House Speaker Mike Johnson accepted $95,000 from a pro-Israel lobby.
US House Speaker accepted $95k from pro-Israel lobby
Defenseone year ago
After new US threat, Iran says it will enhance deterrence power
Responding to Washington's latest threat of resorting to the use of force against Iran, the Islamic Republic has reiterated its resolve to reinforce its deterrence power. 
After new US threat, Iran says it will enhance deterrence power
IN-DEPTHone year ago
Charles III and Zionism
It has only been three weeks since the accession to the British throne of Charles the third, yet during this short period there have been a multitude of articles claiming that Charles is a friend of Muslims.
Charles III and Zionism
IN-DEPTHone year ago
British Telecom, national security threat
French Israeli billionaire Patrick Drahi is under investigation by the UK Government on the grounds of national security due to his recently increased share in the previously state owned telecoms company British Telecom.
British Telecom, national security threat
Foreign Policyone year ago
Israeli lobby in US Congress pressing Biden against return to JCPOA
Backed and praised by AIPAC, fifty US House lawmakers send a letter to US President Joe Biden against a return to Iran’s nuclear deal.
Israeli lobby in US Congress pressing Biden against return to JCPOA
IN-DEPTH2 years ago
Old enemies, new friends, Arab Israeli ties
The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco have normalized or publicized their relations with the Israeli regime, stabbing their Palestinian brethren in the back.
Old enemies, new friends, Arab Israeli ties
Politics2 years ago
Facebook under fire to remove AIPAC’s Islamophobic ads against Rep. Omar
The pro-Israel lobby group has long been using harassment and intimidation tactics in order to silence the Israeli regime’s critics in Congress.
Facebook under fire to remove AIPAC’s Islamophobic ads against Rep. Omar
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