Resistance4 months ago
A Story of the Eastern Coast
People in Gaza show their resilience in the face of the Israeli in different ways. A champion cyclist and a housewife among others do not abandon their homeland no matter what. Watch this documentary to see how the indomitable people in the blockaded coastal strip stand their ground against the excruciating pressure.
A Story of the Eastern Coast
Resistance8 months ago
Sohha is a disabled girl from Gaza. She tells her life story, how she has been able to overcome her problems, and how the blockade has put her, her family and other Gazans under pressure.
Spotlight10 months ago
Botched anti-Iran plots
The Western world, in particular the US, has been at the forefront of leading a maximum-pressure campaign against Iran.
Botched anti-Iran plots
Defenseone year ago
IRGC chief: More enemy pressure to evoke stronger response from Iran
The chief commander of the IRGC says the more pressure the enemies exert on the country, the more decisive the nation’s response will be.
IRGC chief: More enemy pressure to evoke stronger response from Iran
Politicsone year ago
'West provoking riots in Iran to pressure govt. amid nuclear talks'
A political analyst says the West is exploiting the recent foreign-backed riots in Iran to exert more pressure on Tehran as talks on reviving the nuclear deal are ongoing.
'West provoking riots in Iran to pressure govt. amid nuclear talks'
Politicsone year ago
West using human rights as tool to exert pressure on others: Iran
Iran says the West is using human rights as a tool to exert pressure on other countries.
West using human rights as tool to exert pressure on others: Iran
News Headlines2 years ago
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