Palestineone month ago
Majority of British youth think Israel ‘should not exist’: Poll
That is according to the survey carried out by British news and opinion website UnHerd.
Majority of British youth think Israel ‘should not exist’: Poll
Reportsone month ago
ANC poll loss signals new era in South African politics
Coalition talks are set to get underway in South Africa after the ruling African National Congress secured its poorest election result with only 40% of support.
ANC poll loss signals new era in South African politics
Reports3 months ago
Polls show French support for Israel plummets after 6 months of genocide
Polls from across the West continue to show that Israel’s atrocities in Gaza have had an unprecedented impact.
Polls show French support for Israel plummets after 6 months of genocide
InfoClips5 months ago
Two-thirds of Israeli settlers oppose humanitarian aid for Gazans: Poll
A majority of Israeli settlers oppose sending humanitarian aid to Gaza residents, an Israeli poll shows.
Two-thirds of Israeli settlers oppose humanitarian aid for Gazans: Poll
More5 months ago
Only 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can still defeat Russia: Poll
A new EU-wide survey has found that only 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can still defeat Russia, almost two years after Moscow launched a military operation against the former Soviet state.
Only 10% of Europeans believe Ukraine can still defeat Russia: Poll
Politics7 months ago
Biden gets low marks on his support for Israel's war on Gaza: Poll
Two-third of voters disapproved the Joe Biden's support for Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
Biden gets low marks on his support for Israel's war on Gaza: Poll
More9 months ago
Australians uphold colonial-era constitution, reject greater Indigenous rights
Australians have roundly rejected greater rights for Indigenous citizens, scuppering plans to amend the country's constitution after 230 years since British colonialism in the country.
Australians uphold colonial-era constitution, reject greater Indigenous rights
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