Israel lobby
Palestine Declassified3 months ago
National Conservatism Conference
In this edition, Palestine declassified examines the links between the Israel lobby and the National Conservatism Conference.
National Conservatism Conference
Reports3 months ago
Paris backing off Israel sanctions threat shows power of French Zionism
France quickly walks back comments from their Foreign Minister that Israel could be sanctioned for refusing to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.
Paris backing off Israel sanctions threat shows power of French Zionism
IN-DEPTH3 months ago
UK Civil Service's anti-Muslim witch-hunt
The British government's anti Muslim witch-hunt has now extended beyond the Secretary of State for leveling up using parliamentary privilege to smear Muslim organizations. Now Muslim civil servants are being targeted.
UK Civil Service's anti-Muslim witch-hunt
IN-DEPTH4 months ago
British political class seized by the Zionist lobby
With the British political class seized by the Zionist lobby, what are the implications for the democratic process when British lawmakers are in thrall to Israel?
British political class seized by the Zionist lobby
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
US support for Israel in peril
Western countries and the US in particular, have voiced their unequivocal support for Israel and what they call Tel Aviv's right of self defense, while ignoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
US support for Israel in peril
Palestineone year ago
Pro-Israel groups 'embarrassed' by truth Press TV brings to public: Ex-UK MP
"What we see here is a shameless attempt by the Israel lobby in the Parliament to whitewash Israel's criminality," former British MP Chris Williamson says.
Pro-Israel groups 'embarrassed' by truth Press TV brings to public: Ex-UK MP
IN-DEPTH2 years ago
JCPOA Prognosis; tenuous at best
Talks to revive the 2015 Iran deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA, remain stalled after a year of intensive diplomacy.
JCPOA Prognosis; tenuous at best
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