Supreme Court
Politics7 months ago
Iran executes Israel’s Mossad spy in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
Iranian Judiciary authorities execute a man convicted of espionage for foreign intelligence services, including the Israeli Mossad spy agency, in the country’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan,
Iran executes Israel’s Mossad spy in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
More9 months ago
Myanmar’s top court declines to hear jailed Suu Kyi’s appeals
The Supreme Court in military-ruled Myanmar has rejected appeals against six corruption convictions for the jailed former leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Myanmar’s top court declines to hear jailed Suu Kyi’s appeals
Palestine10 months ago
Former officials warn Netanyahu's policies 'dismantling' Israel
A group of former Israeli officials has warned that the policies of the incumbent far-right regime led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu are “dismantling” Israel's military, economy and social fabric. 
Former officials warn Netanyahu's policies 'dismantling' Israel
India11 months ago
India’s top court hears challenges to removal of Kashmir special status
The Supreme Court begins hearing petitions challenging the constitutionality of the scrapping of Article 370 of India’s constitution that guaranteed semi-autonomy to the disputed region.
India’s top court hears challenges to removal of Kashmir special status
Palestineone year ago
Israeli lawmakers resume reviewing ‘judicial overhaul’ plan
Israeli lawmakers have resumed debating a bill that would limit the powers of the regime’s Supreme Court.
Israeli lawmakers resume reviewing ‘judicial overhaul’ plan
Pakistanone year ago
Pakistani court orders ex-PM Khan's release on bail after 'unlawful' arrest
A Pakistani court has ordered former Prime Minister Imran Khan's release on bail for two weeks following an arrest that sparked deadly unrest in the country. 
Pakistani court orders ex-PM Khan's release on bail after 'unlawful' arrest
Pakistanone year ago
Pakistan's top court orders release of ex-PM Khan, declares his arrest 'invalid'
The Supreme Court’s order comes after the former prime minister’s legal team challenges his arrest in a corruption case.
Pakistan's top court orders release of ex-PM Khan, declares his arrest 'invalid'
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