Reports2 months ago
Palestinians in Syria vow to stand with Gaza as Nakba anniv. approaches
Palestinian refugees in Syria express their solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Gaza as the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba approaches.
Palestinians in Syria vow to stand with Gaza as Nakba anniv. approaches
Sudan5 months ago
UN: 8 million Sudanese displaced by conflict since April 2023
The latest wave of violence has left nearly half of Sudan’s 49 million people in need of humanitarian aid.
UN: 8 million Sudanese displaced by conflict since April 2023
Palestine7 months ago
Displaced inside prison: UNRWA says 1.9m Gazans forced out of homes by war
The UN Palestinian refugee agency says since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in early October almost 1.9 million have been internally displaced.
Displaced inside prison: UNRWA says 1.9m Gazans forced out of homes by war
Politics7 months ago
Iran FM warns about Israeli war crimes' aftermath
Iran says the region and the world are going to be grappling with the aftermath of the Israeli regime's war crimes across the Palestinian territories for years.
Iran FM warns about Israeli war crimes' aftermath
News Bulletin7 months ago
Migrants, refugees protest in Paris against controversial immigration bill
Hundreds of migrants and refugees took to the streets of Paris on Monday to voice their opposition to a proposed immigration bill
Migrants, refugees protest in Paris against controversial immigration bill
Palestine7 months ago
Gaza ‘hellish scenario’: UN says aid delivery grinds to halt as Israeli war rages
UN Humanitarian Coordinator warns of a ‘hellish scenario’ unfolding in Gaza as the flow of aid has come to a grinding halt.
Gaza ‘hellish scenario’: UN says aid delivery grinds to halt as Israeli war rages
Reports8 months ago
Protests in Yarmouk refugees camp in support for Gaza
Syrians and Palestinian refugees in Damascus are voicing their opposition to the Israeli aggression on Gaza.
Protests in Yarmouk refugees camp in support for Gaza
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