Cultureone year ago
Iran’s rainfed fig orchards designated as global agricultural heritage
A UN agency has formally designated a unique rainfed fig-growing region in Iran as a GIAHS site, along with two other sites in Asia.
Iran’s rainfed fig orchards designated as global agricultural heritage
Iranone year ago
Agricultural products in Birjand and Shushtar
In the first part of this program, our reporter Gisoo Misha Ahmadi introduces some agricultural products grown in the eastern city of Birjand
Agricultural products in Birjand and Shushtar
Featureone year ago
Afghanistan’s denial of Iran’s water rights destroying agriculture, wetlands
As the long-running water dispute between Iran and Afghanistan drags on, experts warn that it is taking a heavy toll on agriculture and water bodies, especially the wetlands in southwestern Iran.
Afghanistan’s denial of Iran’s water rights destroying agriculture, wetlands
Economyone year ago
Iran reports 32% rise in April-May wheat output
Iran’s purchases of domestic wheat rise 32% year on year in 37 days to May 3 to 1 million metric tons.
Iran reports 32% rise in April-May wheat output
Economyone year ago
Official forecasts Iran’s wheat production at 12 million tonnes
Iran expects to reap 12 million tonnes of wheat this year at a time of rising concerns over food supplies because of the ongoing war between major wheat producers Russia and Ukraine.
Official forecasts Iran’s wheat production at 12 million tonnes
Economyone year ago
Iran to supply China with first honey shipment
An official says Iran will soon send a shipment of honey to China, which itself is the world’s top honey producer.
Iran to supply China with first honey shipment
Economyone year ago
Iran’s apple exports down by nearly a half in volume terms
Iran exported over half a million metric tons of apple in the 11 months to late February.
Iran’s apple exports down by nearly a half in volume terms
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