Spotlight10 months ago
22 years after 9/11
Twenty-two years after the 9/11 attacks, the US’ so-called war on terror has left at least five million people dead.
22 years after 9/11
Interviewsone year ago
‘US lawmakers may succeed in removing Saudi military support’
US Senator Bernie Sanders and others may succeed in removing military support for the Saudi monarchy, according to an American political commentator in Oregon.
‘US lawmakers may succeed in removing Saudi military support’
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
Sanders calls for US troop withdrawal from Saudi Arabia
Bernie Sanders has called for the withdrawal of American troops from Saudi Arabia and an end to military aid to the conservative kingdom for lowering oil production.
Sanders calls for US troop withdrawal from Saudi Arabia
Hidden Filesone year ago
The Other Victims of 9/11
Around 3,000 people we’ve been told, were killed due to the 9/11 attacks; an incident claimed to be the biggest terrorist attack in the world. 
The Other Victims of 9/11
Trendingone year ago
Americans remembered 9/11 on Sunday with agony and many lingering questions, 21 years after the deadliest terror attacks on US soil.
On The News Line2 years ago
Another delay in 9/11 report: Coincidence?
There’s going to be another delay in the release of documents of FBI probes into the 9/11 attacks.
Another delay in 9/11 report: Coincidence?
Reports2 years ago
Anti-US rallies continue across Afghanistan over ‘assets stealing’
People in Afghanistan continue to hold anti-US demonstrations across the country, calling for the release of their national assets held by Washington.
Anti-US rallies continue across Afghanistan over ‘assets stealing’
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