military exercise
Defenseone year ago
IRGC Navy tests advanced defense hardware during Persian Gulf drill
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has conducted a large-scale military exercise in the Persian Gulf with the launch of various types of advanced missiles and combat drones.
IRGC Navy tests advanced defense hardware during Persian Gulf drill
Persian Gulfone year ago
Egypt hosts military drills with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Greece
Special forces from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Greece, and Cyprus have launched joint military exercises.
Egypt hosts military drills with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Greece
On The News Lineone year ago
Chinese Military Exercises
China's People's Liberation Army is holding its largest ever military exercises.
Chinese Military Exercises
Palestine2 years ago
Israeli military holds surprise drill simulating strike on Gaza
The Israeli military has launched a surprise exercise simulating a ground attack scenario in the Gaza Strip.
Israeli military holds surprise drill simulating strike on Gaza
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Biden: US will send $800 million in more military aid to Ukraine
US President Joe Biden has said that the United States plans to send an additional $800 million in military aid to Ukraine.
Biden: US will send $800 million in more military aid to Ukraine
Foreign Policy2 years ago
China condemns US military flyover over Taiwan Strait
China's military says the recent flight of a US maritime plane over the Taiwan Strait posed a threat to regional security.
China condemns US military flyover over Taiwan Strait
Foreign Policy2 years ago
China blasts ‘smear’ after US says Beijing intent to reshape world order
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called for vigorous competition with arch-foe China to preserve the existing global order but hastened to add that Washington did not seek a "Cold War."
China blasts ‘smear’ after US says Beijing intent to reshape world order
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