Featureone year ago
Afghanistan’s denial of Iran’s water rights destroying agriculture, wetlands
As the long-running water dispute between Iran and Afghanistan drags on, experts warn that it is taking a heavy toll on agriculture and water bodies, especially the wetlands in southwestern Iran.
Afghanistan’s denial of Iran’s water rights destroying agriculture, wetlands
Politicsone year ago
Iran urges end to US sanctions targeting ordinary Iranians
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations has lambasted the unilateral US sanctions against Iran.
Iran urges end to US sanctions targeting ordinary Iranians
EUone year ago
Air pollution kills 1,200 children a year: EU agency
A new report by the European Union’s environmental agency says air pollution causes more than 1,200 premature deaths a year in under 18's across Europe.
Air pollution kills 1,200 children a year: EU agency
Moreone year ago
Indigenous communities fear toxic leaks from Canada oil industry: Report
Researchers say Canada’s indigenous communities have not been stranger to suffering over the past decades.
Indigenous communities fear toxic leaks from Canada oil industry: Report
Societyone year ago
Thousands rally outside UK parliament, protest govt.’s environmental failures
Thousands of protesters gather outside Britain's parliament to highlight the environmental failures of government.
Thousands rally outside UK parliament, protest govt.’s environmental failures
Energyone year ago
Heavy rains boost water level at Iran’s Lake Urmia
Higher water level in Leke Urmia is because of ongoing heavy rains in northwestern Iran.
Heavy rains boost water level at Iran’s Lake Urmia
Viewpointone year ago
Anti-Iran 'opposition' in West hijacks Pirouz's death for political agenda
Anti-Iran forces in the West, who refer to themselves as "Iranian opposition", have hijacked Pirouz's unfortunate death to achieve two interconnected goals.
Anti-Iran 'opposition' in West hijacks Pirouz's death for political agenda
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