News Bulletin2 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
In Brazil, paleontologists have discovered the fossilized remains of a dinosaur that lived roughly 70 million years ago.
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
News Bulletin2 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Paleontologists in Egypt have discovered fossilized bones of an ancient whale that could probably walk on land and swim in water.
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Society3 years ago
Surge in greenhouse gases sustained despite COVID lockdowns: UN
Greenhouse gas concentrations climbed to a new record in 2019 and rose again this year despite an expected drop in emissions due to COVID-19 lockdowns, the WMO says.
Surge in greenhouse gases sustained despite COVID lockdowns: UN
More3 years ago
Scientists discover remains of fearsome marine predator in Chile's Atacama desert
Scientists in Chile have uncovered the remains of one of the largest, most fearsome marine predators of the Jurassic period in the world's driest desert.
Scientists discover remains of fearsome marine predator in Chile's Atacama desert
News Bulletin4 years ago
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
Scientists in the United Arab of Emirates are working hard to create the world’s largest artificial reef.
Press TV The Lite Bulletin
News Bulletin4 years ago
Mystery Antarctica fossil found in Chile is massive prehistoric egg
Analysis has revealed that the mystery fossil is in fact a soft-shelled egg.
Mystery Antarctica fossil found in Chile is massive prehistoric egg
News Bulletin4 years ago
700,000-year-old fossil of giant sloth discovered near Buenos Aires
A team of San Pedro Paleontology museum paleontologists discover a fossil of a mysterious animal.
700,000-year-old fossil of giant sloth discovered near Buenos Aires
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