Qur'an desecration
Yemen11 months ago
Yemeni protesters burn Swedish flag in Sana'a after Qur'an desecration
Yemini protesters have set the Swedish flag on fire in condemnation of the recurring acts of desecration of the Holy Qur’an in the Nordic country.
Yemeni protesters burn Swedish flag in Sana'a after Qur'an desecration
Reportsone year ago
Arab woman behind viral Qur’an rescue video faces Danish court
An Iraqi woman who went viral on social media attempting to save a Qur'an from desecration in Denmark has been identified.
Arab woman behind viral Qur’an rescue video faces Danish court
EUone year ago
Qur'an desecration continues in Sweden, Denmark despite growing outrage
More acts of discretion against the Holy Qur'an took place in Sweden and Denmark.
Qur'an desecration continues in Sweden, Denmark despite growing outrage
EUone year ago
Sweden accuses Russia of spreading 'disinformation' over Qur'an desecration
Sweden has accused Russia of using a disinformation campaign to damage the image of the Nordic country over the recent acts of desecration against the Qur’an.
Sweden accuses Russia of spreading 'disinformation' over Qur'an desecration
Politicsone year ago
Closer Iran-Turkey ties to benefit region, Muslim world: Interior minister
Iran's interior minister says further expansion of Iran-Turkey relations will be beneficial to the Muslim world and the entire region.
Closer Iran-Turkey ties to benefit region, Muslim world: Interior minister
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 02:00 GMT on July 26, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Politicsone year ago
Iran FM: Freedom of expression no excuse for insulting Muslims’ sanctities
The Iranian foreign minister says freedom of expression should not be used as an excuse to insult the sanctities of Muslims in some European countries.
Iran FM: Freedom of expression no excuse for insulting Muslims’ sanctities
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