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Muslim convert: How truth-seeking led me to Islam and Imam Hussain

By Ali Salaam

“Allah is the wali of the faithful: He brings them out of darkness into light. As for the faithless, their awliya are the fake deities, who drive them out of light into darkness. They shall be the inmates of the Fire, and they will remain in it [forever].” – Holy Qur'an 2:257

Many human beings around the world, in all corners of the earth, are sadly drowning in darkness.

While we do share a level of personal responsibility for our dark state, the largest responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the wicked rulers and social controllers who engineer entire systems based on falsehood which creates an invisible prison that causes people to grow up in a society based on darkness. From cradle to grave, they don't know anything different.

Thankfully, the merciful God who created us all judges us based on our circumstances. Based on our level of understanding, we are rewarded for the good we do and punished for the bad. He doesn't hold us accountable for that which is beyond what we are personally responsible for.

The biggest crime of the arrogant powers that currently control so many critical centers of power in the world is the deprivation of the great divine treasure that would be a means of facilitating the spiritual journey of people of the world from darkness into light.

This divine treasure is none other than Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the successor to the seat of Islamic power which had been usurped by corrupt, wicked tyrants masquerading as men of God.

The gravest crime committed by Western academia and the Zionist media is the censorship of Imam Hussain (AS) and his exemplary sacrifice in the desert plains of Karbala on the day of Ashura.

If people knew about the principles that Imam Hussain (AS) was martyred for, all the other dominoes would fall, such as imperialism, global Zionism, LGBT, hedonism, usury, and all other corruption that oppresses human beings and leaves their hearts empty and unfulfilled.

Imam Hussain and Malcolm X

Due to Islam having a holistic worldview, rather than a one-dimensional worldview that materialistic ideologies such as capitalism and Marxism hold, we are opposed to oppression whether it be physical oppression (bombs, bullets, sanctions, etc) or spiritual oppression (tarnishing of the innocence of children via the LGBT agenda).

How many lives are ruined by vices and sins? The death toll alone from drug and alcohol abuse should be enough of a wake-up call. Human life is precious and is a means of seeking perfection and spiritual ascension, not being wasted on such vain pursuits as chasing money or hoarding material possessions, none of which will ever fulfill the human heart.

Just look at the life of Martyr Malcolm X. He was a pimp and a hustler, yet the divine light of Islam saved his life in the true sense of the word. He could have been another statistic who died a humiliating death in gang violence, but due to divine light, he was able to reach an honorable death of martyrdom.

He enlightened millions of people around the world, both before and after his martyrdom.

According to historical records, Malcolm X was quite close to an Iraqi Shi'a academic and activist Dr. Mohammad Taki Mehdi. Due to sectarianism being less during those times, he may have not brought Malcolm X to Shi'a Islam and it is frankly not important.

Malcolm X was a Sunni Muslim, but it is without a doubt that he was aware of the tragedy of Ashura and the principles that Imam Hussain (AS) stood for, which caused a massive shift in his life in the few years leading up to his martyrdom.

Even a small drop of light from Ashura, without becoming a Shi'a, had raised someone like Malcolm to such a level after his fallout with the Nation of Islam.

Just as Imam Hussain (AS) became a threat to the Satanic powers of the time, Malcolm X was assassinated by agents of the CIA, FBI, and Zionist lobby using low-level Nation of Islam members to carry out the deed.

Some investigations, such as those by the late Afro-American activist Dick Gregory, suggest that the Satanic powers didn't even respect their patsies enough to carry out the deed, and gave them blank bullets and that the fatal shots were fired by sharpshooters from a vantage point above the stage.

Imam Hussain (AS) raises those who are like the living dead into truly alive life. The grandson of Malcolm X, Malcolm Latif Shabazz, became Shi'a later in his life and was also assassinated by the US and Zionist intelligence networks.

How I was guided

Even I was profoundly raised from the dead thanks to the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS).

I was born in the US to Ashkenazi Jewish parents. In Islam, all human beings regardless of race are born pure and sinless, and the society which surrounds them either guides them towards righteousness or misguides them towards corruption and evil.

Unfortunately, my childhood innocence and my prime years of youth were robbed by drowning me in the darkness.

Politically, I was convinced of the supremacy of the American and Zionist regimes. I was nearly 10 years old when the false flag attack of 9/11 happened, and ever since then I had been fed lies about Islam despite the real terrorists – the “Israeli” and American governments – being responsible for the tragedy that killed 3,000 Americans and then millions of people across the world as a direct consequence.

Spiritually, I was exposed to the most indecent music and movies from a vulnerable and impressionable age of 10 years old, which taught me to enslave myself to my lowly desires and follow the liberal principles of hedonism, individualism, moral relativism, and other such spiritual poison pills.

I was living dead, and for most people stuck in darkness like I was, it is nearly impossible to resuscitate them into a true life of spiritual ascension toward the divine.

Thanks to God, I started to drift away from my father's Zionist worldview – not out of some teenage rebellion or spite, but as an inner desire to seek the truth – and entered into independent journalism at university.

I even dropped my studies to pursue journalism and research independently, because university is useful for hard sciences, but is totally a source of brainwashing for the humanities, including journalism, which teaches people to disguise safeguarding Zionism and imperialism under the false mask of “neutrality” and “objectivity.”

My first stop on the way to the divine truth of Islam was libertarianism, through the movement of former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Libertarianism is also a Satanic ideology, an extremist version of liberalism that believes in unlimited freedom to pursue lowly, carnal desires, but due to its opposition to war and the Federal Reserve bank, it is appealing when both political parties are totally empty of any meaningful positions and usually unite to support war, Zionism, Big Pharma, legalizing immorality, and defending the usury-based banking cartel of the Federal Reserve.

It was the best I could muster at the time given my limited understanding.

From darkness to light

Allah, however, put something in my heart so that I did not stop there. I didn't even believe in Allah at the time – I was an avowed atheist – but He still had my back in spite of my arrogance.

Once I found credible evidence that there are several cures for cancer that exist and are intentionally censored by the Rockefeller-controlled medical system of the West, I realized that the US government is not just bad or ordinarily evil, but its evil is a rather sick, twisted, and even demonic dimension.

While I had been brainwashed to not have any sense of humanity towards anyone outside of the US, the images of children slain by Barack Obama's drone strikes – a continuation of the Geroge Bush neo-con policies – also began to chip away at this inhumanity within me and make me a human just as I was when I was born before society corrupted my heart.

Between killing children and censoring cures for diseases, I realized that the US government is beyond wicked. After that, I began to discover very credible and factually accurate evidence relating to how this government carries out its agenda.

Allah guided me to discover how the world's elites meet secretly every year at the Bilderberg Group meetings. He also placed in my path the petition of thousands of architects and engineers who say that the World Trade Center buildings – of which there was a third one that collapsed at free-fall speed without getting hit by a plane – were brought down by pre-planted explosives.

After that, I discovered the political evidence which implicates the “Israeli” Mossad and American officials in the attack.

Such information truly shattered all that I had thought to be true. I grew up on propaganda films and shows such as 24 which encouraged the most brutal Islamophobia which led to many innocent people being beaten to death by street vigilantes brainwashed by the Zionist media.

Through discovering that the real terrorists are the ones who run the world – and that the Wahabbi terrorist outfits they claim did 9/11 were actually a direct creation of the CIA – I realized that Islam is not evil, since Islam is not responsible for this mess.

Additionally, as a final step of catharsis, I discovered the grave crimes of the Zionist occupation and its connections to things like 9/11, the Federal Reserve (via the Rothschild family), and more.

From that day on, I became an avowed enemy of Zionism and, unlike liberal Zionists who act as gatekeepers of the truth, I was never afraid to accept any truth about the Zionists no matter how difficult and that I would stand for the liberation of Palestine by any means necessary.

My evolution and maturity on this issue and various other political issues took many years, but all praise is due to Allah for giving me a sincere foundation to grow upon.

At the same time, I was also going through a spiritual crisis. There was no way all these quite deep and wicked evils could exist on the earth without any sort of larger meaning, purpose, and a chance at justice against the wicked. I discovered dissenting scientists who would disprove the claims that science proves atheism. The metaphysical realm is not something imagined.

How I was introduced to Islam and Quran

Allah placed Islam in my life both through my regular research and journalism, but also through revolutionary hip-hop artists like Public Enemy.

I finally read the first five chapters of the Holy Qur'an and it was like a light into my heart I had never experienced before. There is only one God and all of the prophets came to deliver His message, from Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to the final prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

At the end of 2013, I accepted Islam and my journey began. However, I was still incomplete. I accidentally converted through a Wahabbi community, even though I knew about Wahabbism being a creation of British intelligence. I was naive to be able to know how to avoid Wahabbis. After some time, I got very jaded with their community and realized they were Wahabbis.

It was my darkest period. My parents were putting me through the most difficult psychological pressures, starting from when I became anti-Zionist in late 2012 and increasing after I accepted Islam a year later. I was at the most lonely point and all I had was Allah.

It was at that point that Allah changed my life forever. Through my activism and journalism networking, I met someone online who had a normal Italian-American name. I was not public about my religion yet, but on my private social media posts I would post about Islam. He then messaged me and stated that he is a Muslim too, and sent me a profound quote.

“Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety; after all, it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly.” – Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS)

This was exactly the quote I needed in my darkest hour. Not just in what it said, but who said it. I had heard the name Ali (AS) before and loosely associated it with Shiism, but I had no clue about the differences between sects other than Wahabbis trash-talking Shiism when I would go to their centers.

When I researched who was Imam Ali (AS) – his proximity to the Prophet (PBUH), his being the closest in resemblance to the Prophet's (PBUH) morals and faith, his being selected by the Prophet (PBUH) to be the guardian, his being granted permission to marry the Prophet's (PBUH) only surviving child (his daughter Fatima SA), and his eloquence all stood out to me.

Then I researched what happened to him and his descendants, especially Imam Hussain (AS) in the tragedy of Ashura. When I realized how these bright lights and guardians of the divine message of Islam were so brutally suppressed and oppressed by the most arrogant powers of the earth, made me realize that they were on the truth. If you want to know who is on the side of truth, just look at where the arrows of the camp of falsehood are being fired towards.

Censorship of Prophet and his progeny in West

My journalIstic instincts also kicked in. The censorship of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) family, whether by Western education or by the Salafi community, is no different than the Zionist media. Wherever there is a cover-up, there is usually something important behind the silence.

Discovering the Ahlul Bayt (AS) (the Prophet's family) was like the first time I read the Qur'an. It was a great divine light. It is no wonder that the Prophet himself said that the Qur'an and Ahlul Bayt (AS) are a pair and salvation cannot be attained when they are separated from each other.

The tragedy of Ashura is a great inspiration for standing against the injustices of today. The secular liberal humanist institutions such as the UN will never be able to stop the injustices in Palestine and in fact, protect the oppressors.

Only a divine Islamic movement can liberate the world from all the various evils that surround it.

It has motivated me to do what little I can for the sake of standing against evil in this world, regardless of the consequences. Imam Hussain (AS) was my source of strength when the FBI harassed me over my political views and activism, enabling me to firmly resist their bullying and coercion.

Imam Hussain (AS) is my source of solace as I have had to be a stranger on this earth since it was not physically safe nor spiritually safe for me to remain in my birth nation.

Imam Hussain (AS) is truly the flag of guidance for all free peoples of the world.

Ali Salaam is a Muslim convert who lives in Iran. He is the editor-in-chief of Basira Press.

(The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

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