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Saudi Arabia kidnapped Hariri on Israeli order: Analyst

A handout picture provided by the Saudi Royal Palace on November 6, 2017 shows King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (L) greeting Lebanese PM Saad Hariri in Riyadh. (Photo by AFP)

The Israeli regime has put pressure on Saudi Arabia to abduct Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in order to drag Hezbollah and Iran into a new war, says a commentator.

“It looks as if Israel is now desperate to create a pretext for war with Iran,” E. Michael Jones told Press TV on Thursday.

The expert said Tel Aviv thinks the kidnap "will serve as a pretext for the war that Israel wants to break up Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

The Saudis have always been “junior partners” in several Israeli-US operations in the Middle East, the editor of the Culture Wars online magazine noted.

Saudi Arabia has said it would deem Lebanon as having declared a war on the kingdom, because of its failure to stop what it calls aggression by the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.


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