Reports2 months ago
India’s opposition promises to restore democracy, calling Modi an autocrat
India’s main opposition party the Indian National Congress has released its election manifesto.
India’s opposition promises to restore democracy, calling Modi an autocrat
Venezuela2 months ago
China raps 'external interference' in Venezuela after West's favorite barred from vote
China has condemned "external interference" in Venezuela's elections by the US and France after Caracas decided to bar a pro-West opposition candidate from July's presidential vote.
China raps 'external interference' in Venezuela after West's favorite barred from vote
Palestine4 months ago
New Zealand's maritime union opposes country's Red Sea military involvement
New Zealand's maritime union voices its opposition to a decision by Wellington to deploy a detachment of the country’s military to the Red Sea, amid rising tensions in strategic waters.
New Zealand's maritime union opposes country's Red Sea military involvement
News Bulletin5 months ago
Eyewitness footage shows man stabbing South Korea's opposition chief
South Korea's opposition Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung was stabbed in the neck.
Eyewitness footage shows man stabbing South Korea's opposition chief
News Bulletin5 months ago
Serbian police attack opposition protesters in Belgrade
Thousands gathered in the center of Belgrade in an anti-government protest on Sunday to demand the annulment of parliamentary and local elections.
Serbian police attack opposition protesters in Belgrade
Palestine7 months ago
US rejects renewed push by Arabs for ceasefire in Gaza
Secretary of State Blinken refuses to accept widespread Arab calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
US rejects renewed push by Arabs for ceasefire in Gaza
Palestine7 months ago
Opposition to Netanyahu grows amid Israel’s deadly Gaza onslaught
People and politicians alike want the regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu out.
Opposition to Netanyahu grows amid Israel’s deadly Gaza onslaught
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