Quds Dayone month ago
South Africa: Israel can no longer act with impunity
South Africa’s Minister of Justice marks International Quds Day, saying Israel’s shield of impunity is being lifted.
South Africa: Israel can no longer act with impunity
Politicsone month ago
UNSC holds emergency meeting on Israeli attack on Iranian consulate
The United Nations Security Council has held an emergency meeting on Israel’s terrorist attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Syria.
UNSC holds emergency meeting on Israeli attack on Iranian consulate
Politics2 months ago
Israel targets Iranian consulate in Syria in terrorist attack
Israel has targeted the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital in a terrorist attack, leaving seven people.
Israel targets Iranian consulate in Syria in terrorist attack
Politics2 months ago
Iran calls for intl. probe into Israel’s war crimes in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital
Iran calls for an international investigation into the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital.
Iran calls for intl. probe into Israel’s war crimes in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital
Iraq2 months ago
Iraqi resistance targets power station in Tel Aviv
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has said its fighters have launched a new attack against Israeli targets in the occupied territories in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Iraqi resistance targets power station in Tel Aviv
Politics2 months ago
Iran calls for Israel’s ouster from UN women's group over Gaza war
Iran calls for Israel’s ouster from UN women's group after the Health Ministry in Gaza said the Israeli military has killed nearly 9,000 Palestinian women in the course of its devastating onslaught on the enclave.
Iran calls for Israel’s ouster from UN women's group over Gaza war
Palestine3 months ago
South Africa says following up on Israel's non-compliance with ICJ ruling
South Africa says it has contacted the ICJ to pursue Israel's non-compliance with the top court’s ruling on the prohibition of genocide in the Gaza Strip.
South Africa says following up on Israel's non-compliance with ICJ ruling
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