Organization of Islamic Cooperation
News Headlines7 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on October 19, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine7 months ago
OIC: Israeli occupation cause of conflict in occupied Palestine
The OIC has expressed concern about the new developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.
OIC: Israeli occupation cause of conflict in occupied Palestine
Politics8 months ago
Iran urges 'decisive, wise' action against acts of Islamophobia
Iran urges Islamic scholars to take "decisive and wise" action to confront acts of Islamophobia around the world.
Iran urges 'decisive, wise' action against acts of Islamophobia
Politics10 months ago
Iran thanks OIC for agreeing to convene over Qur'an desecration
Iran thanks the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for agreeing to hold an emergency meeting over Qur'an desecration.
Iran thanks OIC for agreeing to convene over Qur'an desecration
Iraq10 months ago
OIC to hold emergency meeting on recurring Qur’an desecration in Europe: Iraq
Iraq has announced that the OIC plans to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the recurring acts of the desecration of the Holy Qur’an in Europe.
OIC to hold emergency meeting on recurring Qur’an desecration in Europe: Iraq
Iraq11 months ago
Sweden expresses 'deep regret' over Qur'an desecration amid backlash
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry says the Swedish government has expressed “deep regret” over a Quran burning outside a Stockholm mosque.
Sweden expresses 'deep regret' over Qur'an desecration amid backlash
Reports2 years ago
OIC FMs meet in Pakistan to discuss multiple challenges
Foreign ministers from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have met in Islamabad to discuss issues facing the Islamic countries.
OIC FMs meet in Pakistan to discuss multiple challenges
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