Russia4 months ago
Ukraine asks allies for more ammo as Russia captures village
Ukraine warns that Kiev forces are running low on ammunition as Russians announce the liberation of a village near Bakhmut.
Ukraine asks allies for more ammo as Russia captures village
Germany7 months ago
Germany announces additional €1 billion military aid for Ukraine ahead of winter
Germany has announced an additional package of military aid for Ukraine worth €1 billion, amid a race to step up weapons deliveries ahead of winter.
Germany announces additional €1 billion military aid for Ukraine ahead of winter
Defense10 months ago
IRGC Ground Force busts terror team in Sistan and Baluchestan
Sistan and Baluchestan has witnessed several terrorist attacks targeting both civilians and security forces over the past years.
IRGC Ground Force busts terror team in Sistan and Baluchestan
News Headlines10 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 10:00 GMT, on July 15, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Militaryone year ago
US general gives Ukraine's prospects slim chances against Russia
US Joint Chiefs chair Mark Milley assesses Ukraine's prospects in achieving Kiev's military objectives against Russia as grim.
US general gives Ukraine's prospects slim chances against Russia
Russiaone year ago
Russia warns UK over decision to arm Ukraine with nuclear ammo
Russia vows to react to the UK's decision to arm Ukraine with ammunition containing depleted uranium.
Russia warns UK over decision to arm Ukraine with nuclear ammo
Militaryone year ago
Russia: More US weapons will mean 'all of Ukraine will burn'
A top Russian official warns against more US weapons supplies to Kiev, saying “all of Ukraine will burn.”
Russia: More US weapons will mean 'all of Ukraine will burn'
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