economic war
Syria3 years ago
Syria vote results show public resistance against imperialist war: Analyst
A political analyst says the results of Syria’s presidential election clearly show the determined public resistance in the face of an all-out Western onslaught.
Syria vote results show public resistance against imperialist war: Analyst
Syria3 years ago
Damascus: US responsible for adverse results of criminal Syria policies
Damascus says the United States must compensate for the adverse consequences of its criminal policies against the Syrian nation.
Damascus: US responsible for adverse results of criminal Syria policies
Politics3 years ago
With Trump gone, Iran more certain about US economic war’s failure: Rouhani
President Rouhani says Iran is today more certain about the failure of America’s economic war against the nation, as the world is urging the new US administration to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal.
With Trump gone, Iran more certain about US economic war’s failure: Rouhani
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