Moreone year ago
Sweden’s right-wing begins forming govt. backed by far right
This is the first time a Swedish government relies on the support of the far right.
Sweden’s right-wing begins forming govt. backed by far right
France2 years ago
France's extremist far-right jubilant as political pillars teeter after debacle
France's far-right and far-left parties have scored major gains in the first round of the presidential vote with incumbent president Emmanuel Macron poised to face Marine Le Pen in a runoff.
France's extremist far-right jubilant as political pillars teeter after debacle
France2 years ago
French far-right irked by poor election results
France’s far right performed worse than predicted in Sunday’s regional elections, exit polls show.
French far-right irked by poor election results
More2 years ago
Ontario bloody attack revives fears of Islamophobia, racism in Canada
The recent hate attack that took the lives of four members of a Muslim family and left a fifth one seriously injured has shaken Canada to its core and raised fears of similar attacks triggered by religious or racial bias, in a country known for its big immigrant population and ethnocultural diversity.  
Ontario bloody attack revives fears of Islamophobia, racism in Canada
Germany3 years ago
‘Trail of blood in Germany!’ Min. releases staggering figures on far-right crime rate
The rate of crimes committed by far-right extremists in Germany registered its highest record in 2020, official statistics show.
‘Trail of blood in Germany!’ Min. releases staggering figures on far-right crime rate
Germany3 years ago
German spy agency to monitor anti-lockdown protesters
Germany's domestic spy agency says it will monitor some anti-lockdown protesters amid concerns they pose a risk of undermining the state.
German spy agency to monitor anti-lockdown protesters
Human Rights3 years ago
Proud Boys, other far-right groups raise millions via Christian funding site
A data breach from a US-based Christian crowd-funding site GiveSendGo reveals fund raising of millions of dollars on the site for far-right groups -- including the Proud Boys – that are banned from such campaigns on other platforms.
Proud Boys, other far-right groups raise millions via Christian funding site
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