Palestine5 months ago
Bosnians, Serbians march en masse in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza
Thousands of Bosnians and Serbians stage anti-Israel rallies in the Balkan countries' capital cities in support of Palestinians trapped in Gaza.
 Bosnians, Serbians march en masse in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza
Turkey2 years ago
Turks rally in Ankara to protest visit by Israeli president
Turkish people chant slogans in support of Iran’s top anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani during an anti-Israel protest in Ankara.
Turks rally in Ankara to protest visit by Israeli president
Pakistan2 years ago
Thousands rally in Pakistan's Lahore against 'genocidal' Israeli regime
The massive demonstration, led by the prominent Pakistani Shia cleric Allamah Syed Jawad Naqvi, saw participation of people from all walks of life, cutting across the sectarian and ideological divide.
Thousands rally in Pakistan's Lahore against 'genocidal' Israeli regime
Reports3 years ago
No let-up in mass anti-Israel rallies in Pakistan
Anti-Israel protests are still ongoing all around the world, including Pakistan.
No let-up in mass anti-Israel rallies in Pakistan
News Headlines3 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Authorities in the Gaza Strip are assessing damage to residential buildings caused by 11 days of Israeli airstrikes and shelling on the besieged Palestinian territory.
Press TV's news headlines
Reports3 years ago
Anti-Israel demonstrators gather outside Austrian Chancellery
Protesters in Austria have staged a gathering outside the office of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz after he expressed solidarity with Israel.
Anti-Israel demonstrators gather outside Austrian Chancellery
Reports3 years ago
Thousands take part in anti-Israeli demo in Vienna
Up to 3,000 people take to the streets in Vienna following the recent escalation of Israeli violence against Palestinians.
Thousands take part in anti-Israeli demo in Vienna
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