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Australian forces killed Afghan civilians as ‘quotas’

Rahmatullah Baghban
Press TV, Kabul

New shocking footage from the Australian Special Forces unit in Afghanistan emerged this week.

This video was filmed in a military block in Afghanistan in 2012 and shows Australian commandos discussing plans to meet a 'kill quota' of 10 - as they are preparing for an operation. The “Quota” is also reportedly referred to as kill count. In another clip, an Australian soldier is seen in a moving helicopter, firing at several unarmed Afghan civilians in a residential compound.

Some Australian military forces have also confirmed that compelling evidence exists of Australian soldiers murdering handcuffed detainees and prisoners to add to their kill count.

Here in Kabul, Afghan people and advocates are demanding compensation and accountability for war crimes committed by the NATO coalition, including American, Australian and British forces.

The new footage comes as two years ago, an inquiry found that Australian Special Air Service (SAS) officers were responsible for 39 unlawful killings in Afghanistan. In total, more than 46 thousand Afghan civilians were killed in the US-led war from 2001 to 2021.

The scandals of the US-led war on Afghanistan are emerging day by day. Afghans are awaiting justice and call for war crimes probe into atrocities committed by NATO troops.

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