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Here is the latest top stories from Press TV on April 18, 2021.

Iran National Army Day

Iran is marking its Army Day by staging limited parades involving only military hardware due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event this year mainly focuses on parading military vehicles and showcasing domestically-built weapons inside selected army bases across the country. Because of COVID-19, authorities decided to cancel march-pasts. In Tehran, various types of drones, tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, advanced missile systems, different kinds of electronic warfare systems were put on display. Iran has always maintained that its military might is for defense purposes.

Rejecting US-Japan stance

China urges the United States and Japan to immediately stop meddling in its domestic affairs and harming its interests. Beijing called on Washington and Tokyo to take the concern seriously and abide by the one-China principle. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson also said in a statement that his country will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend its sovereignty, security, and development interests. The remarks follow a joint statement by US and Japan expressing concern over issues relating to Taiwan, the Diaoyu Islands, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and the South China Sea. Beijing has rejected the statement as a gross interference in China's domestic issues and a severe violation of basic norms governing international relations.

Canada protest

Canadians have hit the streets of the city of Toronto to protest against lockdown measures implemented by the government to curb the coronavirus pandemic. Demonstrators chanted slogans and held signs calling for lockdown measures to end. They called the restrictive measures illegal. Protesters also urged authorities to tell people the truth, arguing that they are rather facing a pandemic of fraud. They urged other Canadians to come out to fight for their rights.

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