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Afghan govt. accuses Taliban of foot-dragging in peace talks

Amin Alemi

Press TV, Kabul

Almost three months have passed since the beginning of the intra-Afghan talks in the Qatari capital Doha. The negotiating team of the Afghan government accuses the Taliban of foot-dragging, but the militant group rejects such an allegation.

In the meantime, this top army official who usually spends much of his time on front lines also accuses the Taliban of expanding their attacks amid condemnations by the Afghan people and international bodies like the United Nations. That is why officials here warn that Afghan troops may intensify their attacks on the Taliban if they continue targeting civilians.

Despite all ifs and buts regarding the Afghan peace process, what war-weary Afghans want is lasting peace and an opportunity to forget about war, bloodshed and misery they have been suffering for over the last four decades.

So far, many regional and international players mainly the US have declared their full readiness to support any move toward bringing peace to the country.

This comes as many here believe the Afghan peace process has now turned into a good pretext for some local and international players. This is because such a matter allows them to further interfere in Afghanistan's affairs and follow their own interests in this wounded land.

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