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Coronavirus crisis, unrest symptoms of 'Donald Trump's America': Biden

US Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden (File photo)

US Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has pinned the blame on Republican President Donald Trump for the worsening coronavirus pandemic and racism in the country.

“The problem we have right now is we’re in Donald Trump’s America,” Biden said on MSNBC on Thursday. “He just keeps pouring fuel on the fire. He’s encouraging this. He’s not diminishing it at all. This is his America now.”

He made the remarks in his first public reaction to this week’s Republican convention, where speakers argued that a Biden administration would usher in an era of radical socialism and chaos.

The four-day convention opened at a critical juncture for Trump, 74, who trails Biden, 77, in polls.

“If you want to end where we are now, we’ve got to end his tenure as president,” said Biden, who served two terms as vice president under Trump’s Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama.

Biden’s comments come as Trump prepares to unleash a blistering attack on him as the campaign heats up in the run-up to the Nov. 3 election.

“We have spent the last four years reversing the damage Joe Biden inflicted,” Trump will say Thursday night, according to excerpts of his remarks.

Trump has, in recent weeks, attacked demonstrators who took to the streets to protest racism and police shootings of Black men.

Fresh protests erupted for justice in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Sunday night after police shot Jacob Blake, an unarmed black man.

On Wednesday, Trump announced the deployment of more federal agents and the National Guard to Wisconsin “to restore LAW and ORDER!"”

Democrats, however, have described Trump’s focus on “law and order” as an attempt to distract from his slow response to the pandemic.

On Thursday, Biden said that “the biggest safety issue is all the people dying from”  the virus, which has so far affected more than 6,027,000 and killed over 184,000 across the United States.

“More people have died on this president’s watch than just about any time in American history on a daily basis,” Biden said. “COVID is out of control.”

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