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Obama suggests Biden has moved left: His ideas not that different from Sanders

This video grab made on August 19, 2020, from the online broadcast of the Democratic National Convention, being held virtually amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, shows former US President Barack Obama speaking from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the third day of the convention. (Photo by AFP)

Former US President Barack Obama has suggested that Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election has moved left, comparing Joe Biden's policies to those of his former rival, Senator Bernie Sanders.

“A lot of times, the issue has to do with ‘How do we go about that, and what are the coalitions we need?’” Obama told the New Yorker. “What I think the moment has done is to change some of those calculations, not because necessarily Joe’s changed but because circumstances have changed.”

The former president, whose once vice president, is vying to prevent Donald Trump from reelection in November, further asserted that the policies of Biden and Sanders are similar “from a forty-thousand foot level.”

“If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different, from a forty-thousand-foot level,” he told the publication. “They both want to make sure everybody has health care. They want to make sure everybody can get a job that pays a living wage. They want to make sure every child gets a good education.”

Obama further undermined infighting within the Democratic Party, highlighting the power of "compromise" over various issues.

“You have a big-tent party. And that means that you tolerate, listen to, and embrace folks who are different than you, and try to get them in the fold,” he said. “And so you work with not just liberal Democrats, but you work with conservative Democrats—and you are willing to compromise on issues.”

President Trump will head into this week’s Republican National Convention with national polls showing him trailing with 9 percentage points behind Biden. 

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