Washington seeks ‘stability’ in Ireland after Brexit, Pence says

Demonstrators gather to protest against the government's move to suspend parliament in the final weeks before Brexit in Manchester, northwest England, on September 2, 2019. (AFP photos)

The United States seeks “stability” in Ireland after Britain’s exit from the EU, says Vice President Mike Pence.

The former Indiana governor made the comments after arriving in Ireland for a two-day visit on Monday.

“We will continue to work closely with our partners in Ireland and the United Kingdom to support a Brexit plan that encourages stability and also one that keeps the strong foundation forged by the (1998) Good Friday Agreement,” Pence said.

The Good Friday Agreement put an end to a decades-long conflict in the region in 1998 by creating a free and demilitarized border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

“We understand these are complex issues,” the US vice president further stated.

The comments came as the prospect of a British withdrawal from the European Union without a deal were growing stronger.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivers a statement outside 10 Downing Street in central London on September 2, 2019.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed not to ask Brussels for a further delay.

“I want everybody to know there are no circumstances in which I will ask Brussels to delay. We are leaving on 31 October - no ifs or buts,” he said in a statement. “We will not accept any attempt to go back on our promises or scrub that referendum.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has slammed a no-deal Brexit, asserting that it would amount to “damage and danger” to the peace process in Northern Ireland.

Britain's main opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn (5R) poses for a photograph during a meeting of the Shadow Cabinet in Salford, northwest England, on September 2, 2019.

“Whenever this campaign begins, and you never know it might be almost upon us, we know what we’ve got to do,” Corbyn further stated. “We’ve got to be united as a party and a movement, united in our determination to prevent a no-deal Brexit, for ensuring we come to an agreement in the future but deal with the injustice and the inequalities that exist in Britain and unite people around our program which is one of delivering the houses, the jobs, the schools, the hospitals and above all that sense of hope in our community.”

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