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Trump pushing for wall to guarantee 2020 re-election: Pundit

In this file photo taken on January 25, 2019 US President Donald Trump arrives to speak about a temporary reopening of the US government in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC. (Photo by AFP)

US President Donald Trump is pressing ahead with his plan to order the construction of a wall on Mexican border in a bid to satisfy his supporters and guarantee his victory in the 2020 presidential election, says a commentator.

Speaking to reporters at a White House anti-human-trafficking event on Friday, Trump said there was a "good chance" he would declare a national emergency in order to get funding to build his proposed wall along US-Mexico border.

In an interview with Press TV on Saturday, Jakob Musick, host of the Voice of the Revolution Radio, said that the persistence on building the Mexico wall is a non-starter for the Trump administration in terms of the feasibility of getting the approval of Congress.

“His (Trump’s) campaign really played upon nationalist and ethno-nationalist feelings among the very animated minority of the population and this minority of the population would need to come out very strongly in 2020 to guarantee his reelection,” Music argued.

Criticizing Trump’s ignorance to the real national emergency, which is the fatal cold weather in the United States, the analyst said that “it (the demand for $5.7 billion to build the wall) is actually an insult to people who really are in need of emergency funds.”


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