Supporters of far-right lawmaker and presidential candidate for the Social Liberal Party (PSL), Jair Bolsonaro, take part in a pro-Bolsonaro demonstration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on October 28, 2018. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, November 01, 2018 to 0800 GMT, November 02, 2018.

Bolsonaro’s ties with Israel

Brazil’s far-right president-elect has pledged to move his country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds. Jair Bolsonaro says it is up to Israel to decide its capital. The decision has been hailed by Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu. The Brazilian president-elect is a staunch Netanyahu supporter. His homophobic and racist rhetoric has angered many people inside and outside Brazil. The United States relocated its embassy to Jerusalem al-Quds in May. The US decision has caused widespread outrage in the Muslim world, particularly among Palestinians.

Israeli aggression

Israeli forces have attacked Palestinians who had gathered inside a building in the West Bank city of Jerusalem al-Quds for a political debate. The troops arrested about a dozen people including Adnan Ghaith, the governor of al-Quds.  

UN rejects US anti-Cuba bid

The UN General Assembly is demanding an end to a decades-old embargo on Cuba, imposed by the US. Above 180 countries of the Assembly voted in favor of lifting the sanctions. Only two voted against the draft; the US and Israel. The overwhelming majority of the General Assembly also rejected Washington’s criticism of Cuba’s human rights record as the reason for the embargo. This was the 27th time that the 193-nation Assembly was demanding an end to the embargo imposed in 1962. The resolution was put forth by Cuba.

Netanyahu slams EU

The Israeli prime minister has launched fresh verbal assaults against the European Union. Benjamin Netanyahu described EU’s attitude toward Tel Aviv as hypocritical and hostile. The premier made the remarks as he left Israel for talks with four eastern European leaders in Bulgaria. Netanyahu has been at loggerheads with the bloc over the Iran nuclear deal. He also remains critical of the EU for its opposition to the regime’s occupation, demolition of Palestinian structures and settlement building in the West Bank.

France housing woes

Despite being one of the world’s top economies, France is facing a serious housing crisis with one out of every four people in France lacking a house. Critics say government policies favor real-estate speculators and property owners instead of renters.  

Israel anti-Iran plots

Iran says the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has used the recent assassination plot in Denmark as a false-flag operation to kill the landmark 2015 nuclear deal. In a tweet, Mohammad Javad Zarif offered a chronology of Mossad’s previous attempts to kill the agreement. Zarif has rejected that Tehran was behind an alleged murder plot against three Iranians in Denmark. His tweet came after Denmark blamed Iran for the plot. Copenhagen said it had received intelligence from Mossad that Tehran carried out the attempt. Israeli officials also reaffirmed Mossad’s handing of such information to Denmark.  

Yemen reaction to US plan

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says the US has to take concrete steps if it is serious in establishing peace in Yemen. Ansarullah Spokesman, Mohammad Abdulsalam, says Washington has to stop providing logistical and intelligence support for forces loyal to former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. The spokesman said the US has to end arms deals which result in the deaths of civilians. Meanwhile, the former Yemeni regime has expressed readiness to start peace negotiations with Ansarullah. The reactions come after the US called on the warring parties to end the years-long conflict in Yemen and come to the negotiating table within a month.

Trump threat against refugees

US President Donald Trump has warned that soldiers dispatched to the Mexican border can shoot refugees who throw stones at them while attempting to cross illegally. Trump spoke during a presentation of his controversial policy on cracking down against what he said is uncontrolled illegal immigration. He said migrants seeking asylum will have to present themselves lawfully at a port of entry. The US president described a caravan of migrants traveling from Central America toward the US as a dangerous threat.  


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