Europe-US rift over Iran nuclear deal

These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:

Europe-US rift over Iran nuclear deal

Europe has increased its diplomatic efforts to save a crucial nuclear deal with Iran after US President Donald Trump withdrew from the accord. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has traveled to Brussels to discuss how the deal – the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action– can be preserved without the US A final announcement to the same effect is expected to be made soon. But why exactly did Trump decide to pull out of the accord.

Black Monday

Bloody days for Palestine as Israeli troops shoot dead dozens of Palestinian protesters furious about the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem al-Quds. The embassy was relocated from Tel Aviv, on the 70th anniversary of the creation of Israel. Monday’s violence drew widespread condemnation from across the world. The United Nations says the status of the city can only be resolved through negotiations. But Trump says the city is now “off the table.”

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