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Romanians protest corruption after parliament passes contentious law

Protesters hold Romanian flags to welcome protesters arriving from the western town of Timisoara, at the Gara de Nord, the main railway station in Bucharest, Romania, January 20, 2018. (Photo by AP)

Romanians are gathering to protest against legislation passed by the parliament which critics say will make it harder to prosecute crime and high-level corruption.

Protesters began arriving Saturday in the capital Bucharest by train from other cities and were greeted by people waving Romanian flags.

It was snowing heavily as demonstrators began gathering in Bucharest's University Square. They will then march to Parliament.

Last year, Romania saw the biggest protests since communism ended after the left-wing government tried to decriminalize official misconduct.

Romanian law students hold copies of the country's constitution during a silent protest outside the Faculty of Law building in Bucharest, Romania, December 20, 2017. (Photo by AP)

Parliament approved amendments to laws last month that many say will lead to a backsliding on its anti-corruption fight.

Prime Minister-designate Viorica Dancila supports revamping the judicial system. She is an ally of Liviu Dragnea, chairman of the Social Democracy Party who cannot be premier because of a conviction for vote-rigging.

(Source: AP)

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