Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying (File photo)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 09:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT, October 13, 2017.


Backing Iran deal

China calls on the United States to maintain its commitment to Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with the P5+1 group of countries. China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the accord is important to ensuring the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, and regional peace and stability. Hua Chunying said the Chinese foreign minister has already discussed the issue with his American counterpart in a phone call. US President Donald Trump’s planned speech against the JCPOA has worried all signatories to the deal. On Thursday, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif discussed Washington’s threats against the nuclear deal with his German and French counterparts as well as European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini. Zarif underlined that all sides should fulfill their commitments under the landmark agreement.

Russia warns of US missiles ‘threat’

Russia has expressed concern over the US global missile network, saying Washington is providing the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons. Emelyanov was speaking during a joint Russian-Chinese briefing on missile defense at the UN in New York. He said the US missile program leads to the enhancement of missile capabilities in the world, thus provoking a new arms race. The Russian official went on to say that the global missile system creates an illusion of impunity for other nations in the face of a surprise attack. Emelyanov noted that Washington’s missile network expansion started long before the tensions with North Korea. Frictions have been on the rise between Russia, the US and NATO in recent years. Moscow is highly critical of Washington and its allies for their military presence in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, NATO accuses Russia of posing a threat against its member state, Ukraine. The Kremlin denies the allegation.

Trump Iran policy

US President Donald Trump is set to outline his administration’s stance on the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries. According to US officials, Trump will announce that the nuclear agreement is no longer in the interest of the United States. He will however stop short of withdrawing from the international accord and will not immediately impose sanctions against Iran. Meanwhile, the White House has come out with a new strategy toward Tehran prior to the president’s speech. The Trump administration officials say the new strategy will focus on Iran’s ballistic missile tests and what they call the Islamic Republic’s “destabilizing activities in the region as well as the violent acts of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps”.

Kenya violence

In Kenya, police have clashed with protesters demanding electoral reforms ahead of the fresh presidential election. Officers fired tear gas to scatter stone-throwing demonstrators in the capital Nairobi, as well as Mombasa and Kisumu. The protests come after the government banned opposition rallies in the three major cities. Opposition leaders have called for daily protests to press the government for reforms before the October 26 vote. On that day a rerun of the August presidential election will be held. The previous vote, won by incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta, was annulled by the country’s Supreme Court over irregularities.

Catalonia independence bid

Spain’s deputy prime minister says the country plans to cut its growth forecast for next year over the Catalan crisis. Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría warned of an economic recession in Catalonia if the standoff over the region’s push for independence continues. She said some 40 Catalan banks, multinationals and mid-size businesses have moved their addresses from the region. Sáenz warned that this limited impact could widen as offices, jobs or assets have not yet been relocated. The Spanish deputy prime minister added that the tourism sector in Catalonia has dropped by 20 to 30 percent in the past month affecting businesses in the region. This is while Catalonia’s regional leader Carles Puigdemont has said the region will go ahead with independence. He has, however, put its implementation on hold for some time to see if negotiations can be held with Spain.

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