US to Riyadh: pay up!

US President Donald Trump and Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister bin Salman enter the State Dining Room before lunch at the White House in Washington, DC, on March 14, 2017. © AFP

Saudi Arabia has been pounding its southern neighbor Yemen since 2015 over claims that such aggression is part of the monarchy’s pursuit of vital national security objectives. And the US is somehow complicit in the deadly onslaught since the country has been providing its Persian Gulf ally with multi-billion-dollar fighter jets and missiles apart from its surveillance and intelligence support.

Now US President Donald Trump has begun complaining that Riyadh is not paying a fair share while Washington is losing a tremendous amount of money in defending Saudi Arabia. However, this is not the first time the republican billionaire is expressing discontent at the issue.

During his 2016 presidential campaign trail, Trump told his supporters in Wisconsin state that: "Nobody’s going to mess with Saudi Arabia because we’re watching them. They’re not paying us a fair price. We’re losing our shirt.”

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