World's oldest person celebrates 117 birthday

Emma Morano blowing out candles on her 117th birthday on Tuesday in Verbania, northern Italy. (Photo by Reuters)

An Italian grandmother, who is believed to be the last living person that was born in the 19th century, has celebrated her 117th birthday in the northern town of ‘Verbania’.

‘Emma Morano’ was born in November 1899. She says the secret to her longevity is her healthy lifestyle.

Ms. Morano in her home. Her doctor attributed her longevity to the fact that she is cared for by loved ones. (Photo by Reuters)

Morano is believed to be the world's oldest person. She has seen two World Wars and more than 90 Italian governments. Emma has outlived all her eight brothers and sisters. She is very independent and only employed a full-time caretaker last year.

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