US, UK release statements on one-year anniversary of Iran deal

US President Barack Obama (L) and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson

The United States and Britain mark the first anniversary of a historic nuclear deal between Iran and global powers.

July 14 this year marks the first anniversary of the nuclear agreement between Tehran and the world powers – the US, Britain, Russia, China, Germany and France.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, plus Germany, finalized the text of the JCPOA in Vienna last year and started implementing it on January 16.

US President Barack Obama, for his part, vowed Thursday to remain committed to the deal, dubbed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

In a statement released by the White House, he claimed that the deal has led to "avoiding further conflict and making us safer," calling it an achievement of “principled diplomacy.”

“IAEA reports have confirmed that Iran is complying with its commitments,” Obama said, adding, “We will continue to uphold our commitments as long as Iran continues to abide by the deal.”

The president also took credit for the deal, saying “America's willingness to engage directly with Iran opened the door to talks, which led to the international unity and sustained engagement that culminated in the JCPOA.” 

US Secretary of State John Kerry echoed the president’s remarks, saying, despite the pessimism that existed at first, JCPOA "has, in fact, made the world safer."

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson also hailed the deal, claiming, it "reminds us of the historic diplomatic breakthrough in Vienna that has made the world a safer place and is bringing real benefits to the people of Iran."

“Britain will continue to work with international partners to complete implementation of the deal and to ensure its benefits are realized in full,” said the newly appointed foreign secretary.

Iranian foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also described the deal as the “triumph of diplomacy over coercion.”

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