Iran leader warns US against violation of JCPOA

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei addresses a meeting with the heads of the three branches of the Iranian government and the country’ senior officials in Tehran on June 14, 2016. ©

Here is a round-up of global news developments:

  • The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution says the US has failed to deliver on a major part of its commitments under a nuclear deal with Iran. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warned that Iran will set fire to the JCPOA if the other side tears up the agreement.
  •  At least ten people have been killed in a U-S drone attack in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province. Local officials say those killed were commanders and members of a Daesh offshoot. The US has widely used its drones to bomb targets in Afghanistan, Yemen and several other Muslim countries.
  • Israeli warplanes have bombarded an agricultural area in the Gaza Strip. There are no reports of casualties. Israel has imposed a land, air and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip since 2007. It has also fought several wars against the territory over the past years.
  • Saudi warplanes have once again bombed Yemen’s Jawf province. There are no immediate reports of casualties. Riyadh has been bombing Yemen for more than a year now. the Saudi attacks have killed more than 9,400 people. Many of the victims are women and children.
  • US President Barack Obama has accused presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of undermining the fight against terrorism through his anti-Muslim rhetoric. Obama said treating Muslim-Americans differently will make the country less safe, and only suggests that the US and the West are against Muslims.
  • First deputy head of the Russian Federation Council defense committee, Frants Klintsevich, says Moscow has enough resources to respond to NATO’s deployment of troops to Poland and three Baltic States. Earlier, NATO approved sending four battalions to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland to boost its forces in the Black Sea region.
  • Clashes erupt between French security forces and protesters, opposed to the government’s controversial labor reforms. At least six demonstrators and 20 police officers were injured. Some 21 other protesters were arrested. The CGT Labor Union described the march in Paris as the biggest show of strength against the government.
  • Britain’s defense secretary has warned that leaving the European Union would weaken security in the West. Michael Fallon said this is the first time a country might leave either NATO or the European Union, saying the military alliance and the EU are quote-the twin pillars of Britain’s security.

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