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Trump 33 points ahead of closet rival nationally: Poll

A woman walks by a bus stop with an advertisement campaign for a Belgium radio news channel picturing US presidential candidate Donald Trump eating a waffle, in reference to Trump calling Brussels “a hellhole”, due to the amount of it’s Muslim population, on February 29, 2016 in Brussels. (AFP)

Nearly half of US Republicans are to vote for billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump, giving him a 33-point lead over his closest competitor.

Released Monday, results of a national poll by CNN/ORC International showed the reality TV star has managed to attract a 49-percent support among Republican voters.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio comes next but with only 16 percent of the support and is followed by Texas Senator Ted Cruz with one percent less.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has gained 10 percent and Ohio Governor John Kasich has six percent of the votes.

Compared with a similar poll conducted in January, the new poll shows an eight percent boost to Trump and Rubio, while Cruz has lost four points.

According to RealClearPolitics average of national polls, Trump still leads nationally but with some 16 percent.

The new poll, which has a 5 percent margin of error, was conducted between February 24 and 27.

The poll results were released as Trump continued grabbing the media’s attention.


A Trump rally in the US state of Virginia was disrupted by Black Lives Matter activists, outraged by his racial comments.

"Are you from Mexico?" Trump asked a female protester, calling on his security team to accompany them out.

"You're going to hear it once," Trump told the protesters later. "All lives matter."

A reporter was also slammed to the ground by a man in gray suit who appeared to be with the security team.

Different videos of the incident hit the social media with one on Instagram, showing the photographer choke-slammed to the ground making him kick back in defense.

"He grabbed me by the neck," the man was heard saying, while being pulled away by a third man.

"I never punched him. I never touched him. At the very end I tried to show... And I said he choked me so I put my hand on him. And that's when I was arrested," he added later.

The Trump campaign issued a statement, saying the man was with the US Secret Service.

"There was an incident involving a photographer and a USSS agent at today’s Radford University Trump rally," wrote Trump's spokeswoman Hope Hicks in an email to The Hill. "We are not aware of all details surrounding the incident and all future inquiries should be directed to local law enforcement."

Apart from controversial stances on different issues, Trump is particularly infamous for his remarks against minorities including Muslims, Hispanics and blacks.

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