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A Londoner, the new Jihadi John

British media say a masked ISIL militant in a newly released video on the internet is a British national.

British media say a masked ISIL militant in a newly released video on the internet purportedly showing the killing of five men accused by the group of being Western spies is a British national.

According to the media, Siddhartha Dhar left for Syria from Britain while on police bail after his arrest on suspicion of belonging to a banned group. 

The video has reminded the world of "Jihadi John", another British ISIL member who appeared in several videos showing the group’s hostages being murdered. Jihadi John is believed to have been killed in an air strike late last year.

British officials say up to 800 Britons have traveled to Iraq and Syria, some to join ISIL. Around half of them have returned home and about 70 are believed to have been killed in the countries.

In the 10-minute video released on Sunday, the masked man speaking with a clear British accent threatens British Prime Minister David Cameron before shooting one of the alleged spies in the head.

The UK government said on Monday that it is examining the video. "It [the video] serves as a reminder of the barbarity of Daesh and what the world faces with these terrorists. It is also clearly a propaganda tool and should be treated as such," said a spokeswoman for Prime Minister David Cameron.



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