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US puts Saudi ties ahead of human rights: Analyst

US President Barack Obama (R) meets with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud following a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey, November 15, 2015. ©AFP

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jim W. Dean, managing editor of the Veterans Today from Atlanta, on US reaction to the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr by Saudi Arabia.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: I like to highlight the comments made by Josh Earnest there where he said, “The US government had warned Saudi Arabia of the consequences of the execution of Sheikh Nimr.” Now, is this the US trying to distance itself from the responsibility it holds when it comes to the atrocities committed by the Saudi regime?

Dean: It certainly is…This comment basically shows that they are trying to back off any association with this, but actually that’s going to boomerang on them, because one would suggest that they would have had some influence to have the Saudis not do this. They would have put something on the table to make them not do it. After all the US has a defense treaty that if Saudi Arabia is attacked or needs military assistance, the United States is bound to provide that. And that should have some repercussions in terms of certain conduct.

And we also had the report late afternoon, the leak of the internal Saudi report that they expected a lot of mass revulsion at this and they orchestrated all their security people to be prepared for this. So, soon as I heard this, I knew this is a provocative act that the Saudis decided to do now, because even now they’re going to have a big fire storm over this. They have to be afraid of something that bothered them more and…that is the continuing mass media attention they’re getting over being a state sponsor of terrorism. It is going on week after week and month after month.

Turkey is also gone in the crosshairs. And I think that they were willing to bet the farm to do anything to get this subject on mass killings or executions anything, but Saudi Arabia being a mass sponsor of terrorism.

Press TV: All this is taking place with the blessing of the United States, is that what you’re saying?

Dean: I want to say so much blessing, but it’s showing that the United States with all the commitment that it’s made the long-term partnership that they [won], didn’t even have the influence through the king to not go ahead with this execution. So, it makes America like weak which it is and I think it’s also pay-back for the Saudis for what Obama did and working hard to get their deal done.

Press TV: Let me just jump in there. Is it weakness or is it prioritizing things like arms contracts and cheap oil over human rights?

Dean: I think defense contracts and low and favorable oil prices will always trump over human rights in the world market...Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world where money and military influence often trump human rights, but what may happen now, this may be the tipping point, they have people unite against this. And the only thing missing today was nothing from the Christian community. We didn’t hear anything from the Vatican. And when we met with the grand mufti in Syria, one of things that really impressed us is he’s a multi-faith mufti and he’s prayed in Christian churches, because all of the religious orders outside these extremists have all been victimized. And we need to see not just Shia Muslims standing together with this, but we need other religious communities to stand with them.

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