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Saudi warplanes pound Sana'a gas tanks

Yemeni workers inspect the damage at a factory after it was destroyed by airstrikes carried out by Saudi warplanes in the capital Sana’a on December 30, 2015. (AFP)

In a fresh wave of aerial aggression on the Yemeni capital Sana’a, Saudi warplanes have targeted private food warehouses and the city’s main gas tanks.

The airstrikes were carried out on Sunday following a much-violated truce that lasted for a week, Yemen's al-Masirah news channel reported. There were no immediate reports of possible casualties.

Earlier in the day in a separate air raid in Saqain district in the northwestern province of Sa'ada, at least four members of a family lost their lives when their house was destroyed.

Reports say that a mosque in Ahma al-Talah area in Sahar district of the province was also pounded during an airstrike.

There are also reports that the Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, has taken control of a mountain called Al-Sudies, overlooking the southwestern Saudi city of Najran.

Saudi Arabia started the military attacks in late March in a bid to undermine Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement and bring back to power the country’s former fugitive president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who is strongly aligned with Riyadh.

More than 7,500 people have been killed and over 14,000 others injured since the strikes began. The Saudi war has also taken a heavy toll on the impoverished country’s facilities and infrastructure.

Yemenis have, meanwhile, been carrying out retaliatory attacks against Saudi forces deployed in the country as well as targets inside the kingdom.

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