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Daesh has departments for oil, slaves: US

Daesh Takfiri terrorists have established a hierarchy to handle stolen oil and their captured “slaves,” the US says.

The Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group has set up different departments to manage “war spoils,” including slaves and stolen Syrian oil in areas under its control, US military officials say.

A trove of documents seized by US Special Operations Forces during a May raid in Syria highlight a hierarchical bureaucracy inside the terror organization, Reuters reported Monday.

US officials said the documents provide a better understanding of ISIL’s complex bureaucracy which allows it to oversee subjugated populations and still manage income streams from looted oil to plundered antiquities.

"This really kind of brings it out. The level of bureaucratization, organization, the diwans, the committees," Brett McGurk, US President Barack Obama's special envoy for the so-called anti-ISIL coalition, told Reuters.

For instance, one diwan, the ISIL equivalent to a government department, handles natural resources, including the exploitation of antiquities from historical sites. Another diwan processes "war spoils," including slaves.

In August last year, Daesh attacked Sanjar, home to more than 400,000 Syrian Izadi Kurds. According to the United Nations, more than 5,000 Izadi men were murdered during the raid, and as many as 7,000 women and girls were taken captive.

The terror group has so far raked in more than £170 million (about $250 million) as desperate Izadi families paid ransoms to retrieve 250 of their women and children, according to the British daily, the Express.

The documents also show the group’s "meticulous and data-oriented" approach in managing the oil and gas sector, although it is not a sophisticated operation, said Amos Hochstein, the State Department's top official for energy affairs.

Another interesting point highlighted in the documents, US officials say, is the rivalries and personality clashes that are an inseparable feature of any bureaucracy.

A letter by the Diwan of Natural Resources, dated November 21, 2014, emphasizes that Abu Sayyaf, who was killed in the May raid, is in charge of handling antiquities.

"The reason being is that he is very knowledgeable in this field and that Abu Jihad al-Tunisi is a simpleton who can't manage the division," it reads.

Last week, the US said it has obtained a document revealing that Daesh has allowed harvesting body organs from their captives.

The foreign-backed Daesh militants have parts of Syria and Iraq under control and terrorize the people there through heinous crimes.

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