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US most susceptible to poverty more than others in West, study finds

Homeless men panhandle on the street on November 20, 2015 in New York City. (AFP)

Americans are more susceptible to poverty than the population of other Western countries, shows a new study focusing on the relationship between poverty and IQ.

The research, done by Texan and Scottish scientists, aimed at “exploring the interaction between genes and childhood social factors” by studying almost 25,000 sets of twins and siblings from the US, Australia, England, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.

“Poverty seems to have the biggest impact in the US,” said the study results released recently following the combination of 14 separate studies on the issue.

It also found that a person’s environment overrides the genetic potential for intelligence.

“The authors determined that childhood poverty appears to reduce the potential contained within a person's genes, and that the situation varies from country to country,” said the release.

The reason for a worse impact than other countries was said, in part, to be lack of access to healthcare and education.

“Differences between the US and European countries may be due in part to more universal access to healthcare, which has helped to close some socioeconomic gaps,” the researchers said. “Differences in the education systems in the countries may also play a role. The researchers say that the results could prove useful in helping to tackle gaps between socioeconomic groups. Providing more uniform access to education and healthcare can counter and even reverse the negative effect of poverty on genes involved in IQ.” 

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