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Three killed in southern France shooting

The photo shows the entrance to an apartment block where three people were shot dead in Marseille, southern France, October 25, 2015. (AFP photo)

Three people have been killed in a shooting incident in southern France in what may have been a drug-related attack, police say.

A police source said on Sunday that a young man and two teenagers were killed overnight in the city of Marseille.

According to judicial sources, unidentified individuals in two cars opened fire on the 24-year-old man and two 15-year-olds as they were standing near an apartment block in the Lauriers estate, which is known for its drug-related violence.

Sources, including the uncle to one of the teenagers, say the young man was known to police and that he was the target of the attack.

Police said they discovered some 20 cartridges at the scene of the attack. Two burned-out vehicles were also found later some 20 kilometers (12 miles) north of Marseille.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls slammed the Sunday killings, saying nothing could stop the “determination of the state to fight organized crime.”

Back in May, Lauriers was the scene of a massive anti-drug operation, which saw some 300 forces storm the area. About 20 people were detained in the operation.

The French Interior Ministry says it has broken up as many as 10 drug networks, arrested 132 individuals, and seized 1.5 tons of cannabis and 39 kilograms of cocaine in the city since the beginning of 2015.

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