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Iran, Indonesia to enhance relations: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif holds a joint press conference with his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi in Tehran on October 14, 2015.

Iran’s foreign minister says Tehran and Jakarta are seriously seeking to boost economic ties.

Mohammad Javad Zarif made the remarks in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Wednesday in a joint press conference with his Indonesian opposite number Retno Marsudi.

We have entered serious cooperation in various economic fields, and the two countries’ joint economic commission … held a session this year after a seven-year interval, Zarif said.

He also referred to 'large-scale' bilateral relations between Tehran and Jakarta, including cooperation in the infrastructural, technical and energy-related projects.

Zarif further noted that Iranian companies are eager to participate in Indonesia’s infrastructural projects, expressing hope that by removing banking and monetary obstacles, the two countries’ cooperation would develop.

The Indonesian minster, for her part, mentioned cooperation in the fields of investment, energy, trade, research, and sports as the most significant issues discussed in negotiations with Zarif.

Marsudi pointed to the friendly relations between Tehran and Jakarta, noting that in the last six months, six high-ranking delegations at the ministerial level have visited Iran.

She also invited her Iranian counterpart to participate in the meetings of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), due in Jakarta from October 20 to 23.

IORA is an international organization comprised of coastal countries bordering the Indian Ocean.  

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