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White Americans designed gun rights to steal land natives: Activist

“That Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms was necessary at the founding of this country because the white settlers were in the process of stealing the continent."

The right of Americans to keep and carry firearms was guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution to allow white settlers in the United States to steal the land from indigenous Americans and control black slaves, a civil rights activist in Georgia says.

“That Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms was necessary at the founding of this country because the white settlers were in the process of stealing the continent, stealing the land from the Native Americans, from the Indians and many of them were slave holders,” said Bruce Dixon, chairman of the Georgia Green Party and managing editor of Black Agenda Report.

“The local officials needed to guarantee free white men the right to bear arms because these free white men patrolled the roads, looking for slaves, checking passes, and guaranteeing that Native Americans and Indians and slaves were not plotting an insurrection or travelling for unauthorized means,” Dixon told Press TV on Saturday.

“When the frontier was closed and when slavery was over, the gun lobby and some other people sort of rewrote their own history, but that’s the history and that’s why these laws are there, and until we face up to our actual history, our hope of stemming gun violence are just not there at all,” he added.

US President Barack Obama said on Friday that for too long Americans have been "blind" to the "unique mayhem" caused by gun violence in the US.

Obama made the comments during a funeral ceremony held for slain black South Carolina state senator Clementa Pinckney, who was shot to death earlier this month along with eight other African Americans by a white supremacist.

“President Obama, when he lectured people the other day on the unique mayhem of gun violence, he passed up an opportunity to educate Americans on why that Second Amendment is there,” Dixon noted.

The massacre of the nine African-Americans in a Charleston church on June 17 by 21-year-old Dylann Roof was the latest in a string of attacks against blacks in the US.

White right-wing Americans present a far greater terror threat to the United States than individuals linked to the al-Qaeda or ISIL extremist groups, according to a new study.

Most of the “terror” attacks carried out on US soil since the September 11, 2001 attacks have been committed by white supremacist and radical anti-government groups, according to the New America Foundation, a Washington-based think tank.



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