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Young man dies after arrest in UK police custody

Another man has reportedly died in UK police custody. (file photo)

British police have announced the death of a 25-year-old man in police custody in Luton.

The young man's name has not been revealed as police are still in the process of contacting his family.

The man was arrested on Saturday morning on suspicion of domestic violence and taken into custody. Bedfordshire police say he later became unresponsive in his cell and died.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has been informed and as is routine has started an investigation.

In a statement, the police said, "Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time and we will do all we can to cooperate with the investigation and help provide the family, the coroner and the IPCC with accurate information about how and why tragically died.” 

"Without prejudice to the ongoing investigation from what we know at this time there is nothing to suggest this is tragic death was caused by any police action, that we are keeping an open mind and we are determined that a full and transparent investigation is conducted so that the causes of the sad loss can be established the family."

The police station, where the young man died, is no stranger to controversy. In 2013, another man was detained at the station and also died there. Five officers have been suspended although the IPCC report over his death is yet to be published.

Official figures put the number of deaths in custody at around 7,630 from 2,000 to 2013 alone.  This figure does not include all those who are killed during or following police contact.

High-profile tragedies like the death of Mark Duggan in 2011 have caused protests in the UK.

For many families the fight for justice for their loved ones and the IP cc and the police are constantly criticized. There has not been a single conviction of a police officer over a death in custody or following police contact.

In this latest case, the IPCC has said that it offered its sincere condolences to the man's family following his death and that it was in the process of making contact with them to explain the IPCC's role as an investigation is now opened.


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