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Tunisians Slam Western media coverage of Chapel Hill shooting

Tunisians Slam Western media coverage of Chapel Hill shooting

Adnen Chaouachi
Press TV, Tunis

Tunisian Human rights activists and Journalists have demonstrated to express their anger against the killing of three Muslims students by an American terrorist. People have denounced American and western media coverage of the Chapel Hill shooting.
Observers argue that some Arab TV channels have not given much importance to the crime against the US Muslim community.
Politicians and Lawmakers have described the Chapel Hill murder as an ISIL-style execution.
The civil society rejects the double standard that some journalists and activists have when innocent Muslims are targeted in the West.
Adnen PTC: Tunisians say when Muslims get killed in the US, Western media outlets cover the massacre as an ordinary crime. People say the coverage is an insult to over one billion Muslims around the globe.

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