Politics3 months ago
Social media platforms block Iran’s Al-Alam accounts over coverage of Gaza war
Back in March 2022 and in a similar move, Facebook “permanently” removed the page of Al-Alam TV from its platform.
Social media platforms block Iran’s Al-Alam accounts over coverage of Gaza war
Palestine7 months ago
Protesters block US military supply ship's departure for 'occupied territories'
US protesters block military supply ship's departure for "the occupied territories."
Protesters block US military supply ship's departure for 'occupied territories'
France11 months ago
Macron under fire over threatening to block social media
French President Emmanuel Macron is under fire over threatening to block social media in times of public unrest.
Macron under fire over threatening to block social media
Palestineone year ago
PM Lapid closes Israeli mission in Eritrea after ambassador blocked entry
Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid has approved closure of the regime’s embassy in Eritrea, after the local government had been delaying the arrival of the Israeli ambassador for two years.
PM Lapid closes Israeli mission in Eritrea after ambassador blocked entry
Syria2 years ago
Syrian government troops block US military convoy in northeast
Syrian army troops intercept a US military convoy in the country’s northeastern province of Hasakah, and forced it to retreat.
Syrian government troops block US military convoy in northeast
Syria2 years ago
Villagers block US convoy in northeast Syria, force it to turn back
Villagers block a US military convoy in Syria's province of Hasakah, and force American occupation forces to head back to their base.
Villagers block US convoy in northeast Syria, force it to turn back
Politics2 years ago
Tehran: US seizure of Iranian websites aimed at muffling independent voices
Iran slams US seizure of the domain of the websites of a number of Iranian television networks.
Tehran: US seizure of Iranian websites aimed at muffling independent voices
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