Conversations11 months ago
Settlement of Arash gas field row hinges on compromise by all parties: Professor
The settlement of the long-running dispute over the Arash or Al-Dorra gas field between Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia requires a “painful compromise” by all parties, says a university professor and geopolitical affairs analyst.
Settlement of Arash gas field row hinges on compromise by all parties: Professor
Reportsone year ago
Iran, Saudi Arabia sign deal to restore full ties
The Foreign Ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia hold their first official meeting in the Chinese capital Beijing seven years after their relations were severed.
Iran, Saudi Arabia sign deal to restore full ties
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Politicsone year ago
‘US hypocrisy’: Iran calls on Biden to mind own human rights record, sanctions regime
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman urges US President Joe Biden to mind his own country’s human rights record and lift inhumane anti-Iran sanctions.
‘US hypocrisy’: Iran calls on Biden to mind own human rights record, sanctions regime
Hidden Filesone year ago
Mahsa Amini: A Tragic Opportunity for a Secret Operation
One of the latest stories that have come out of Iran is the story of a young woman named Mahsa Amini.
Mahsa Amini: A Tragic Opportunity for a Secret Operation
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